Leo Transport Service

Leo Transport Service

DKJ transport service is a company that not so big, if you say that small that is not small, there is Small and Medium Enterprise (SME). It has been established for 29 years. Mr. Leo is the founder of the enterprise.

Company provides transport services at area Singapore. It was a bus company. Company has 12 different sized buses. Bus service carrying factory workers and students. In addition, there are also has chartered services for tourism. 

History of DKJ Transport Service

In the past old days, "O Chew Koi" in teochew (meaning: European Chicken) was what the elderly called Mr. Leo when he was young. This was because unlike "SKINNY" Asian kampong chicken, "STRONG FLESHY" European chicken best suited daddy's tall and strong figure.
As a young "kampong boy" in a small fishing village that needed to stand on his own feet, Mr. Leo had gone through lots of hardship. He used to be a fisherman and oil palm plantation worker. A young heart with full of passion and enthusiasm, Mr. Leo decided to explore the "Lion City" (Singapore) to strive for a better future.

One piece of plain Indian prata was what Mr. Leo had for a whole day. By saving every single cent, Mr. Leo had finally bought his first used van in 1983 when he was still an automobile mechanic at a workshop which was opened illegally. Fetching passengers from karaoke and restaurant at night was their part-time job and this had led to the startup of his transport business - DKJ Transport Service. Since then, "Mr. Leo", "Uncle Leo" and "Ah Di" had become the substitutes of "O Chew Koi".

LEO TRANSPORT CREW is a family oriented business. Strong kinship between Mr. Leo and their family has led them to the stage of NOT just doing business but doing business with a heart full of care, thoughtfulness and trustworthiness.

"Safe", "Flexibility", "Trustworthiness" are LEO TRANSPORT CREW's promises. Company provides school bus, corporate bus and chartered bus service. No matter whom consumers are (a school principal / an employer / a group of peeps or family members), they are pleased to hear from customer and they assure that customer will feel at ease by hiring them as costumer bus transport service provider.


Company Name                       : DKJ Transport Service

Establish (Year)                       : 1983
Location                                  : No, 4000 Jalan Bukit Merah, Bukit Merah Community Centre, Singapore
Type of Business                      : Family Business
Company offering                     : provides school bus service, corporate bus service and chartered bus service

Type of Buses                          : 10 seaters, 19 seaters, 23 seaters, 37 seaters, 49 seaters
No. of worker                          : 18 drivers with 12 bus attendants
Policy and Insurances               : Automobile Insurance, Company labor insurance, accident insuranceoffice fire insurance, insurance of loss and damage of property for the office.

Contact Number   : (65) 96208540


About DKJ Transport Service


Leo Soon Huat

Having more than 29 years of experience in the bus transport service industry. Mr.Leo is the living street directory or GPS. Many years in providing school bus and corporate bus transport service. Trustworthiness, reliability, negotiability, understanding and efficiency in the transport arrangement are his priorities in doing business. Having long term business relation with existing firms in providing transport service. Some of them are even more than ten years.


Leo Chien Yin

Has been helping out in father's business since she was in primary school. Graduate in major business management from Ngee Ann polytechnic Administration, marketing and public relation are her main job scope. Also a backup bus driver whenever the operation side needs her. Yes, still a newbie in this industry but willing to learn with great enthusiasm.


Leo Baiming

A really great helper in the business. Brilliant in recognizing the bus route. He is still in search of his future career - a bus service provider / an aerospace engineer. No matter what is his decision, their family will fully support him.


School Bus Service
With many years in providing school bus service to kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, company have a group of experienced, thoughtful and responsible bus drivers and bus attendants. As know that all children are apple in their parents' eyes. Therefore, children safety is our priority. Company assure all children is safe on-board the bus. Besides that, company knows children pretty well psychologically. Instead of just sitting on the bus doing nothing, they need care, love, and fun.

Corporate Bus Service
Ranging from 11-seater bus to 40-seater bus, company have a selection of buses for you to choose according to corporate's needs and budget. Company is transparent and systematic in arranging the bus route. They will keep you updated on current bus route and employees taking particular bus by providing detailed bus name list. Time is money. Hence, company tries to ensure that all bus schedules are running smoothly. Most importantly, employees reach their working location on time. Also, company is flexible in price and bus route negotiation in order to meet corporate's objective.

Chartered Bus Service

Instead of just providing bus transport service on contract basis, company also provides chartered bus service to family or any organizations. From house visit during occasions to organization’s activity, company do very best to meet customers transportation need. Company ensures to provide customer with pleasant and smooth trip. Taking bus together with a huge group of peeps or family members, singing along while sightseeing is most happy than this moment.


10 Seats buses                                                

 19 Seats Buses

23 Seats Buses                                                

37 Seats Buses

49 Seats Buses

SWOT Analysis & FISHBONE Analysis

The Company’s Current Production and Operations Management Conditions.

     ·         Smaller buses easy to shuttle in neighbourhoods.
     ·         Maintenance for buses regularly.
     ·         Company has enough money for emergency use.
     ·         High market demand for industry transportation.
     ·         Attitude of worker.
     ·         Higher costs.
     ·         Difficult to recruit stuff.
     ·         High legal system.
     ·         Customer (Parents) complaint.
     ·         Get extended Enterprise.
     ·         Increases company market value.
     ·         Enlarging bus bays will go a long way.
     ·         Improving service reliability.
     ·         Traffic problem.
     ·         Unstable price of petrol
     ·         Difficult to renew the road tax of buses.
     ·         Change in legislation.