Leo Transport Service

Leo Transport Service


School Bus Service
With many years in providing school bus service to kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, company have a group of experienced, thoughtful and responsible bus drivers and bus attendants. As know that all children are apple in their parents' eyes. Therefore, children safety is our priority. Company assure all children is safe on-board the bus. Besides that, company knows children pretty well psychologically. Instead of just sitting on the bus doing nothing, they need care, love, and fun.

Corporate Bus Service
Ranging from 11-seater bus to 40-seater bus, company have a selection of buses for you to choose according to corporate's needs and budget. Company is transparent and systematic in arranging the bus route. They will keep you updated on current bus route and employees taking particular bus by providing detailed bus name list. Time is money. Hence, company tries to ensure that all bus schedules are running smoothly. Most importantly, employees reach their working location on time. Also, company is flexible in price and bus route negotiation in order to meet corporate's objective.

Chartered Bus Service

Instead of just providing bus transport service on contract basis, company also provides chartered bus service to family or any organizations. From house visit during occasions to organization’s activity, company do very best to meet customers transportation need. Company ensures to provide customer with pleasant and smooth trip. Taking bus together with a huge group of peeps or family members, singing along while sightseeing is most happy than this moment.

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