Leo Transport Service

Leo Transport Service

History of DKJ Transport Service

In the past old days, "O Chew Koi" in teochew (meaning: European Chicken) was what the elderly called Mr. Leo when he was young. This was because unlike "SKINNY" Asian kampong chicken, "STRONG FLESHY" European chicken best suited daddy's tall and strong figure.
As a young "kampong boy" in a small fishing village that needed to stand on his own feet, Mr. Leo had gone through lots of hardship. He used to be a fisherman and oil palm plantation worker. A young heart with full of passion and enthusiasm, Mr. Leo decided to explore the "Lion City" (Singapore) to strive for a better future.

One piece of plain Indian prata was what Mr. Leo had for a whole day. By saving every single cent, Mr. Leo had finally bought his first used van in 1983 when he was still an automobile mechanic at a workshop which was opened illegally. Fetching passengers from karaoke and restaurant at night was their part-time job and this had led to the startup of his transport business - DKJ Transport Service. Since then, "Mr. Leo", "Uncle Leo" and "Ah Di" had become the substitutes of "O Chew Koi".

LEO TRANSPORT CREW is a family oriented business. Strong kinship between Mr. Leo and their family has led them to the stage of NOT just doing business but doing business with a heart full of care, thoughtfulness and trustworthiness.

"Safe", "Flexibility", "Trustworthiness" are LEO TRANSPORT CREW's promises. Company provides school bus, corporate bus and chartered bus service. No matter whom consumers are (a school principal / an employer / a group of peeps or family members), they are pleased to hear from customer and they assure that customer will feel at ease by hiring them as costumer bus transport service provider.

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