Leo Transport Service

Leo Transport Service


The company facing problem difficult to increase income based on bus service transportation. Company can improve through five causes. There are people, politic, service, system and environment. Through these five causes, company can solve the problem one by one.

          The causes for people is most of that is worker problem. Company can use the strategy for training worker, increases salary and give advance to worker to solve the problem. Company should make some activities to improve team work between workers. The importance company must understand the need of worker and the problem of worker facing.

          Politic in Singapore is improvement. Unstable costs of petrol bring effect to all company. Government should encourage people using more public transportation than bringing own cars. This can decreases the air pollution and reduce monthly expenses. Tax of COE increase year by year, much company difficult to extend the transport life in market. This is the opportunity for DKJ transport service to enlarge the enterprise into market.

          Singapore is a busy city. Most of them have their own car, but probably use MRT for the main transport. Because of the smaller buses can shuttle in neighbourhood. MRT only can take at some city station. It will be the advance for company gets more profit in buses service.

      System for the company is use manual system. Company should change the manual system to computer system. Company use traditional registration data customer. This will slow the process management in company. Company should change the system.

          Company should improve the service. Service importance in transportation. Good service can attract customer and increases the income of company. Company can improve the lane in city; make a time table to arrange the bus route to decrease the problem timing.

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