Leo Transport Service

Leo Transport Service

Focus Strategies

Company is focus on the problem lack of worker. Company can increase the salary more than the other company bus service. This can get more worker interest to work in company. Company give more rest for worker and arrange the route for buses using IT system this will easy for worker, less cost and provide good service such as just in time.

In transportation buses in Singapore have divide by two through PA plane and CB plane. The different for PA plate need to pay COE while CB plate no need pay COE. For instance a mini bus registered with CB plate, can drive straight for 20 years while PA plate after 10 years need to renew. But the problem with CB plate is every year need to submit school children name list to LTA. While PA can carry children without submit the name list of children. Company can search more CB plate, buy second hand from the other company to decrease the COE cost.

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